Believe in Dragonflies

Believe in Dragonflies
We Do !

Friday, November 30, 2007


So our trip to Pittsburg was so much fun!!! I love spending time with the family.
  • First I LOve non-stop flights, i could travel there every day.
  • The silver vans were the best!!! 20'' inch TV's for the grandkids to watch their movies.
  • The lodge was gutted and re-done....lets just say I could have moved in as a permanent residence, could have done without the coffin like bunk beds. But it all can't be amazing.
  • Moms home cooked meals, that I don't have to prepare, just help out a little.
  • The best RIBS ever!!!
  • My sister Natalie for not having any kids (yet) and for helping me out with mine all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like a built in nanny with out having to pay, that will come later.
  • Brindee waking me up every morning, peeking her little head over her travel crib with the biggest smile ever cause her mommy and daddy were right there!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Christmas shopping with the girls (and Joel ) and not having any of the kids with US!!
  • The STEELERS monday night football game! The whole trip the weather was amazing, until monday night football and boy did it rain!!! The score was 3-0 .....what? GO STEELERS
  • My mom packing my bags for me cause I was going to have a melt down, thinking I couldn't get everything to fit and be under 50lbs. SHE DID IT!!! yeah
  • Non-stop flights, with out giving Lou Lou some nighttime cold medicine that back fired. She was wired the whole entire flight
  • My parents for every thing they do!!!
  • JEFF DUNHAM and WALTER and PEANUT! The best vantrilaquist ever, made me lose about 5lbs just laughing.


I usally think guys look so gay in bandanas but, Damn he looks hot!!

I usally think guys look so gay in bandanas but, Damn he looks hot!!
My sexy husband